Friday, September 27, 2013

Assignment 6

  1. Do you think the results are 100% accurate? Why or why not?
         I do not think the results are 100% accurate because not all of the students answered the questions that I had posted. I got some answers to some of my questions but not all of my questions were answered.
     2.How much of an impact do you think the wording of the questions has on the answers you received?
        I think that if I had very advanced wording in my questions, the students wouldn't even read the answers or the questions that I had uploaded and start filling out random answers. Also, if I repeated the same questions over and over again, I believe that the students would start filling out answers without them even caring.
  1. Did you get the results you expected from your online polls? Why?
          I did get the answers that I expected to some of my questions from my online polls. I would guess that some students would put some of the answers that I expected because I can say that I know some of the students fairly well for them to answer what I expected them to answer. On the other hand, I didn't expect some of the students to answer what I thought they would answer or what I thought they would answer because I don't know ALL of the students in class but I do know some.;
  1. If you wanted to do an online poll with the students of Technologico de Montorrey asking them how much time and effort they spent doing homework this year, what are the steps you would take to complete that online poll?
          The steps that I would take to do the online poll would be putting different types of questions to the poll. I would have multiple choice questions, fill in the box, and other forms of questions as well. I wouldn't just make one question for all of the forms of questions but have different types of questions typed out.
  1. Do you think online polling could help the administration of Tec de Montorrey find out more about their students? Or do you think that the results would not be accurate? Why or why not?
          I believe that the online polling could help Tec de Monterrey find out more about there students. I think this because the school could put many sorts of questions that our students could be interested about, but at the same time, they wouldn't always pay attention to them because they just want to get the questions over with because sometimes they can be tiring to answer.
  1. How do you think the results of your polls would be different if you asked your classmates the questions in person?
          I think they would be different but also the same because I don't think the students answered the questions with honesty. The students could've probably been lazy to answer them so they just put whatever thing they wanted. In person, on the other hand, I think they would actually pay attention to me and answer the questions with honesty.
  1. In what ways do you think online polling using Google Spreadsheets can be improved? Or was it easier to create an online poll than you originally thought? Explain.
          I cant really answer these questions because I have never been in the part of Google or online polls. I wouldn't be able to answer the question only if I actually experimented it. However, I don't think it could have been to create the polls.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Assignment 5

1. In your own words describe how the workplace culture at Google encourages innovation and unique creations for the company? How does working at Google and the environment there affect its workers?
The workplace culture at Google encourages innovation and unique creations for the company because the people that work there can get many of their ideas out and think about many fun and interesting things. You can't get many great ideas out if you aren't somewhere where you don't enjoy. To get your brain working and moving, you need a place where you can be entertained and be able to think about big and great things for Google. Google has a very unique environment and the people that work there I bet enjoy their job there because Google offers the people so much.

2. How does employee freedom, like the 20% of free time Google encourages its employees to spend on any project they want, deliver better business?
The employee freedom encourages its employees to spend on any project they want because on that 20% of free time that they have, they can rest, think about new ideas while having fun. They have so many things to do there that they want to work everyday. While they work the 80% of time, the 20% of time is maybe the time that they get there best ideas out by relaxing, sleeping, or having some quality time with their friends.

3. What are the requirements to work for Google? And what is different about the way they hire employees at Google?
The requirements to work for Google is that the person has to be able to do a lot of things. This person has to be able to get things done, and this person doesn't necessarily have to be smart, but has to have a good way of thinking and has a lot of strengths. This person has to be willing to work and come up with good and creative ideas for the company.

4. How many search queries does Google handle a day?
Google can handle about 5.2 billion search queries each day.

5. In your own words discuss how Google's constantly refined search algorithm changed the way we all access and even think about information.
It changed the way we access to the internet because it is a lot faster. When we look something up, we get so many sites that help us get the proper information that we need. We get a lot of more information than what we need. More is always better. When we think about looking up something, we always want to put as much information as possible so we can get to our answers faster.

6. Take a look at the following story about Google's top secret data center. Now why would Google want to keep its server room as a secret?
They would want to keep this server room a secret because that's the place where the data travels. If it becomes a place where people can just go in and walk around, something could go wrong. One of the people who can walk in there can touch something and the data that travels there could go wrong. What goes around in there is that the tubes and hubs that are in there is what contains the internet action going on via Google and it is very important to keep that safe.

7. What are the benefits of working as a Google employee?
There are many benefits for working as a Google employee. Google provides you with so many things including free food, gas for your car, a laundry where you can wash your clothes and so much more. That place is literally like a home for the employees. Not only do they enjoy that, but they also enjoy the time while they are working. They have fun working in different rooms of the building and that's what makes them want to get up every morning and get to work so they can spend a fun time there.

 8. Name at least 5 different positions at Google (ex: software engineer, Google tester, interaction designer) and describe what they do?
One of the jobs there would be account manager and that's a person who handles sales and marketing relationships with specific, bigger customers. Google has a business analyst which is the job where people make sure its financial operations are running smoothly. There are the network engineers whom are the people that make sure everything is running smoothly but with these people, check into code bases and communicate across the company effectively. The site reliable engineer is the person that makes sure that the site does not shut down for even a second because in that way, Google can loose a lot of money. The last but not least position at Google would be the sales engineers help Google's customers solve key technical issues with whatever product they're deploying.

9. Talk about at least 3 projects that Google is currently working on. What do they want to accomplish? How long will they take to complete?
A new project that Google is currently working on would be the Google Glass. This product allows us to look at information like if we were wearing it like glasses. We don't need to pull out our smartphones because the Google Glass will help us out with that. Google is also working on the Adroid@Home. This product helps us to connect your entire house to the internet like something out of a sci-fi movie. Google's smartphone company, Motorola is nearing a release for its first smartphone. The Moto X smartphone will be packed with the latest features and specs. It'll also run Google's mobile operating system Android.

10. Look at the following story about why recent college graduates should not work for Google. Why does the writer argue recent graduates should not work at Google?
Recent college graduates shouldn't work for Google because what they studied in college took a lot of hard work and anticipation. To be in college, you have to be a hard working person with good grades. Google doesn't look for smart people. Google looks for people who can think outside of the box and have big ideas. When you graduate from college, you should be able to work at better places other than Google. Somewhere where you wont spoil you and you will actually take what you learned in college and use it for a career in your future life.

11. How is Google the same or different than other search engines, like Yahoo or Bing?
Google is different from Yahoo and Bing in the aspects that it not only shows you more websites, but also offers you trustable websites. In Google, you can find your answers quicker. Google also offers you images, maps, Youtube, news, G-mail, Google drive, and so much more. Yahoo, on the other hand, isn't always a reliable source because people who might be students or uneducated people can put information in which isn't 100% true. They are the same in some ways because they give you lots of information but some of the sites might not always be reliable.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Test Review

The difference between analog and digital: An electronic signal that is sent as binary digits of either ON or OFF. In the illustration to the right, is a digital signal that is up or down for either ON or OFF, unlike an analog signal that is more like a wave. This example also illustrates a digital picture where a pixel is turned either ON or OFF helping to create an image on a display. Analog allows equipment to handle information that continuously changes such as voltage, current, and wave.

Random Access Memory (RAM) -Alternatively referred to as main memory, primary memory, or system memory, Random Access Memory (RAM) is a computer storage location that allows information to be stored and accessed quickly from random locations within DRAM on a Memory module

Read- Only Memory (ROM) -Short for Read-Only Memory, ROM is a type of "built-in" memory that is capable of holding data and having that data read from the chip, but not written to.

World Wide Web – is a graphical interface for the internet that was first introduced to the public on August 6, 1991 by Tim Berners-Lee.  the world wide web provides a rich medium and helps brings all people together.

Data (computer) – Data could mean large quantities of standard information used for reference. For example, the information you're reading now is considered data. On a computer is stored in binary or a series of 0's and 1's.

Program - provide (a computer or other machine) with coded instructions for the automatic performance of a particular task.

 Hypertext – A simple method of organizing and accessing text and other data through the use of hyperlinks.

Hardware –  is best described as a device that is physically connected to your computer or something that can be physically touched.

Software –is a collection of instructions that enable a user to interact with the computer or have the computer perform specific tasks for them 

Title (resource) – The name by which the resource is formally known.

Creator (resource) – The person, organization or service who made the content of the resource, for instance, the writer of an article or the photographer who took a picture.

Subject (resource) - One of the topics of the resource. It is usual to choose keywords from an accepted classification scheme as the subject.

Publisher (resource) -The publisher is “responsible for making the resource available”. This might be a commercial publisher, an academic institution or an individual.

Contributor (webpage) – A person or organization that has contributed to the content

Format (resource) - a type of media of the resource.
MP3 – A file extension and compression method utilizing the MPEG compression standard to reduce the size of a file often down by a factor of 12 and still have a CD-like quality. MP3 files are commonly used to store a song or complete CD and require very little hard drive space when compared to other files.

Cyberbully - "involves the use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm others."

Database - is a large quantity of information that can be searched, referenced, compared, changed or otherwise manipulated without a lot of work. 

Desktop - is a system of organization of icons on a screen.

E-mail - messages distributed by electronic means from one computer user to one or more recipients via a network

Home page - is the name of the main page of a website where visitors can find hyperlinks to other pages in the site

Keyword -is a word or group of words that help the search locate a better match for their search.

Password - is a set of secret characters or words utilized to gain access to a computer, web page, network resource, or data

Paste - is an operating systems and programs action that allows a user to copy or cut an object or text from one location and move it into another location

Search Engines - A software program or script available through the internet that searches documents and files for keywords and returns the results of any files containing those keywords

URL Address -  is a standardized naming convention for addressing documents accessible over the Internet 

User name - is a name given to a user on a computer or computer network

File format –is the structure of a file that is best viewed with the program it was designed for

Hacker -an individual who had an advanced understanding of computers, networking, programming, or hardware or which describes any individual who illegally breaks into computer systems to damage or steal information

Keyboard - allow a computer user to input letters, numbers, and other symbols into a computer and is what allows you to write e-mail and is what you used to visit this web page

Retrieve (document)- A term used to describe the process of searching for, locating and returning data